Is there a specific event or a moment in time in your life that served as a turning point for you? Something that helped you see things in a different light, or stimulated you in a way you had never been stimulated before, or cleared up some doubts or concerns you might have had? Likely most of us can remember a few turning point moments in our lives that have helped shape us, and lead us to where we are today.
The Chuck Missler Learn Bible 24 hours video presentation, that I watched back in 2010, was such an event for me. It was the moment I realized that what I was discovering in the Bible was not “off”, nor “weird”, nor “unique”. Many times during my years of Bible study, I had discovered something interesting or different, but had decided to hold it in, or to suppress it, or to ignore it. I did it because it didn’t “fit” with what I had been taught, and bottom line, I didn’t want to rock the boat.
Because of Dr. Chuck Misslers meticulous look at the details of the Scriptures, I began to understand that the Word of God has some “hidden messages” just waiting to be discovered. Not hidden in the sense of “esoteric” or “secret society stuff”, but hidden in the sense of a “watermark” or “easter egg” left by God as His signature to the letter He wrote to mankind.
In the Learn Bible 24 hours series, Chuck Missler provides some excellent insight, presents some provocative comments and encourages every believer to become engaged in their study of the Scriptures and to discover the meanings and realities hidden just beneath the surface.
Where I am at now, I just want to share with others what I have learned, and keep learning, from the Scriptures. It’s just too sweet to keep it to myself. I pray that the Word of God becomes as real to you as it has become to me. To me, the Bible is more than just a reference or guide book, it is more than truth, it is reality.
Paperback book – Learn the Bible in 24 hours
If you like to read, this is the book for you. This paperback book has much of the same information you would find on the video presentation. It includes pictures of many of the slides that appear on screen as Chuck Missler speaks.
It does not include questions for a personal or a group study, the workbook was designed for that. However, as you go through each lesson, you will likely come up with a number of questions yourself. This study really stirs up a believers desire to understand the Scriptures.
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Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Retail: $19.99 |
It can be used as a standalone study tool, but honestly, it’s use is more effective as a supplement to the video presentation. Whatever way you choose to use it, I recommend you grab a notebook and a pen alongside it because you will be taking lots of good notes.
Available for Kindle here.
Workbook – Learn the Bible in 24 hours
The workbook does not include the same material as the handbook and is not designed as a standalone resource. If you are going to use the workbook, it really should be as a supplemental resource to the Handbook and / or to the DVDs. If you use it alone, you will miss out on a lot of the information being covered and might actually feel “lost” as you go through it.
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Learn the Bible in 24 Hours: Comprehensive Workbook Retail: $14.95 |
What the Workbook does provide is a series of questions related to each lesson that can help guide the discussion of a home study group or reinforce the material covered in the lessons. It is a good resource to use if you like to keep tabs on how you are understanding the information covered.
DVD’s – Learn the Bible in 24 hours
This DVD pack is by far the jewel of the study resources. Chuck Missler is a captivating presenter and his mannerisms and voice inflections are pleasant to listen to. I have never been “bored” nor have I “fallen asleep” while listening to any of his messages. The joy he shows as he goes through the material is not a put on. You can tell that he has enjoyed what he is preaching and that it is real to him.
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Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD Retail: $89.95 |
If you are ready to watch the Learn Bible 24 hours DVDs I strongly suggest that you get ready with a pen and notebook because you will be jotting down a lot of information, writing a lot of questions, and expanding your “ToDo” list of Scripture research.
Available in audio here.
Individual or Group Study – Your choice
When I started going through this study, I couldn’t keep it to myself. Before I even finished going through the 24 hours I had started watching it again with my family. Though our girls were young at the time (10, 12 and 14 years old), they were able to appreciate some of the new bits of information they were being introduced to.
If you are someone who likes to learn in private, this is an excellent resource for you. In the privacy of your own home you can watch each 1-hour episode. You can binge watch, you can re-wind and re-watch, you can pause and take notes. However you want, whenever you want, at the pace you want, this study is worth it. Chuck Missler is an engaging presenter and as you listen to him, you will get the impression that he is right there in the room, personally sharing with you his discoveries in the Scriptures.
If studying on your own is not your thing, I encourage you to get a group together. Start a home study group, or suggest this Learn Bible 24 hours series as a topic for a study group you are already a part of. As you go through each 1-hour lesson, I guarantee that it will cause a number of reactions from WOW, to REALLY?, to “I need to check this out”. If you want an interactive study session, this series will provide excitement for any student of the Word, whether young or old, whether a rookie or a veteran.
So, whether alone, or in a group, this study is worth doing. I can almost guarantee that you will not see the Scriptures in the same way after you are done.
Action Point:
This will likely be one of the best investments in Bible teaching that you will make in your lifetime. Click on the product links below and read what people are saying about this amazing series.
- Purchase the DVDs here
- Purchase the Paperback book here
- Purchase the Workbook here
- Read it, study it, watch it yourself, and share it with others. Many have commented that this Bible 24 hours series has helped them get an understanding of the Scriptures, that decades of church sermons could not.
- Watch the Learn Bible 24 hours playlist on this YouTube channel.
I was taught to look at the Bible as a living document growing up. Every passage has something teach. Actually, every passage has multiple lessons to teach. I always find it interesting when I read a passage for the millionth time, but this time, it holds a depth it never did before. That’s always a mind blowing experience. My thoughts generally run something like this, “Someone told me this was the meaning, but I didn’t get it. Now I understand what they were trying to say. But I just couldn’t fully understand at that time.”
It’s good that his videos are interesting. I’ve watched some bible videos that were not. They had good information, but were hard to focus on because of how dry they were.
Whoever taught you that the Bible should be viewed as a living document needs to be commended. And it looks as though you captured the sense of what they hoped to convey.
The more you know, the more you learn.
Just like in every aspect of life, sometimes the message gets lost because the messenger is “not the best” at presenting it. Sad when that happens with the Scriptures because there are so many interesting things to teach and learn.
Hi Mitch,
Great review. I have attempted to read through the bible several times but have never completely finished it. I find that as I go through, I end up with a lot of questions so something like this would be super helpful to me I think. I’ve never heard of this book before I read this so thank you for that. I will certainly be looking into it because I think the bible is one of the most important books to read and study.
I think that a lot of people get discouraged reading through the Bible. This introductory series is an amazing overview that gives you just enough information to help make sense of the Bible’s message but leave you hanging wanting to find out more. The series comes in book form and is also available in video (which after you watch it, you won’t be embarrassed to share it with family and friends).