I will be blunt right off the start. If you are looking to get-rich-quick online, I`ll say good bye right now.
But before you leave, please read my WA Blog Post: No short cuts – Build a Solid Foundation. I really hope that you decide to stay and get on the right track.
If you are looking to establish a presence online, and are willing to put in the work required, this Affiliate Program is the one you want. If you are looking to promote online opportunities, if you are looking to promote affiliate programs, if you are looking to use affiliate programs as a source of income, if you are looking to sell, if you are looking to teach, if you looking to share ideas… whatever you are looking to do online… Wealthy Affiliate needs to be your first stop.
If you start with the Best of Affiliate Programs, you will save yourself a lot of disappointment, tears, and $$$. Check out this post about the basic elements for online success.
This is the first program that I have investigated, or been involved with, that I am not embarrassed to promote. Take a quick tour of the Dashboard by clicking on the Wealthy Affiliate logo in the top left corner of this link then click on the buttons on the left menu to see what is available to members.
You can read about my own disappointing journey from the past here: Wealthy Affiliate Login Opens a Door of Great Opportunity.
This is by far the Best of Affiliate Programs. If you are looking to establish a presence online, the Wealthy Affiliate platform should be your foundation. If you put in the time and effort using this platform, you will have a solid foundation moving forward in whatever direction and with whatever topic you decide to throw yourself into.
What do you get in Wealthy Affiliate? The short answer: substance, training, diversity, and earning potential.
To find out about my present personal online journey reading My Wealthy Affiliate Blog posts list (individual links are also located within the sections below).
Substance – You actually feel like you are getting something
… and it starts with actually getting something for nothing. You read that right. When you sign up to Wealthy Affiliate, you automatically get 10 free lessons with no strings attached. You don’t even have to provide a Credit Card number.

But that’s not all, by the time you are finished with the ten free lessons, you will have a fully functional website hosted for free. And if that’s how far you want to take it, you can continue to develop your website and continue to have it hosted for free. Your idea, your passion, and your dreams, online, for free.
Read my WA Blog Post: Moving On Up – On Two Fronts to see how quickly I was getting positive results for my hard work. A sign of good things to come.
If you go Premium and decide to get your own domain, Wealthy Affiliate hosts it at no extra cost. You pay for the domain name (at a competitive price within Wealthy Affiliate), and they host it. They hold your hand and help you to do it all. It is much less complicated than what other hosting companies make you go through. This service alone is almost worth the price of membership (and you can host multiple domains at no extra cost).
How many other programs have offered you something this valuable?

Training – An extremely resourceful library and community

The 10 free lessons are nothing but the tip of the iceberg (and maybe even just the tip of the tip). If you appreciate what you got for free, just wait until you see what is available in the paid membership. There are training levels that take you step by step through the process of building up your website. There are Training Boot Camps that help you optimize your website. There is specialty training available for every topic you can imagine from promoting your website, to monetizing your website.
You also have access to every single member of Wealthy Affiliate as a resource for any question you might have, on absolutely any topic related to developing and promoting websites (and then some).
Read my WA Blog Post: Site Comments – I Struck Out Big Time to find out how the community helped me resolve some issues I was having.
The Wealthy Affiliate community is a cut above the rest. It is not focused on hype, and it is not focused on self promotion. The Wealthy Affiliate community is focused on helping YOU succeed with YOUR website.
Once you go Premium, this is ALL included at no extra cost, with no limitations. All the training and support you can handle to make sure that your website grows and becomes successful.
Diversity – Share your passion or promote the program
The internet is a diverse place and even though it is jammed packed with information and websites, there is room for everyone, including you. If you have a passion, an expertise, or a dream that you want to share, you can make it a reality. If you want to make money, there are lots of options for that as well.
There are two main types of members on Wealthy Affiliate. Those who are focused on promoting online opportunities and earning online, and those who are focused on promoting their dreams or expertise and earning money online.
The amazing thing is, that the Wealthy Affiliate program works for both. And whatever it is that you want to do online, it will work for you as well.
Read my WA Blog Post: It was not really one of my goals – yet here I am, Top 200 to find out how I am getting results I was not even expecting.
It is time for you to take advantage of this great opportunity.

Earning Potential – Referrals pay well
Once your referrals try out the free training and understand the potential of this platform, well, let’s just say that the product sells itself.
On a personal note, I am using the Wealthy Affiliate platform to reach out and teach people about something that I am passionate about. It has been my main focus from the start, and will continue to be my main focus going forward. But the more I use the system, and implement what I am learning, and see the results that it is producing for me, I can’t help but give a shout out so that others can experience the successes online that I am experiencing.
As I mentioned at the beginning, this is the first Affiliate Program that I do not have reservations about promoting. Actually, it pretty much promotes itself, it’s that good.
Read my WA Blog Post: I’ve been conned by Wealthy Affiliate – A Scam of the Highest Degree for a twist on the age old question about whether or not an online opportunity or program is a scam.

Action Point: sign up now for free and give it a test drive
It literally costs you nothing to try. No Credit Card, No hidden gimmick.
The co-founders of this program are not out to take your money. They genuinely care about you the member. Read here how the co-founders are still very personally involved in the platform. They want you to succeed, and are continually upgrading, and developing tools and training, to make sure that you have the best tools and platform for your website. The community keeps tab on all the current developments so that you have the most up to date information available to you.
Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform to learn Affiliate Marketing, especially for beginners. We can get vast training and knowledge from WA. Let’s grow together and make money online!
The support and encouragement available in the Wealthy Affiliate community is amazing.
I agree, for beginners it is the place to start. There is so much I didn’t know I needed to know.
In WA, I am learning a whole lot.
Hello there. Thank you for sharing this awesome opportunity to those not aware about it. It is to good to be true. You certainly will doubt the credibility of this awesome Community if you don’t have a taste of it yourself. The training, support and Tools are top notch and number 1. I must confess I have not seen any like it before.
And for those who doubt, you can experience what the community has to offer for free.
A lot of people are pushing and shoving to get ahead in this online world. In Wealthy Affiliate, you get the sense that the members are cheering each other on and wishing everyone good success.
Hello there,
This is one of the most, useful and honest review of Wealthy Affiliate. I am also a proud member of WA and I have been in online business since 2009. WA has become my number 1 recommendation after all these years.
Earning money online doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you have the right mindset – Remove the ‘get rich quick’ mentality and focus your online business and you will surely succeed. Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform to start with if you want to earn money online through affiliate marketing.
Thanks for this great review.
Best regards and more power!
Thanks for the thumbs up!!!
A faulty mindset sets people up for disappointment in all aspects of life.
You are right to emphasize that people need to change their mentality in order to succeed long term in an online endeavour.
I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for almost 2 years and I have finally started making money with a couple referrals and $35 from the site comments platform. It was definitely frustrating not making money for 15 months but now I am slowly starting to get it. So I definitely didn’t get rich quick by any means.
Thanks for sharing. Different people will get different results and some faster than others.
Your experience does show that if you keep at it long enough, the results will come. And likely it is the beginning of a growth curve for you. Keep going at it and all the best.
In the beginning we are so anxious to start earning money with our new business. So we tend to rush through important training to see where and when we will start making a profit. But that’s okay because with WA everything is still there to review whenever and however many times a member might need it.
As we lean and grow in basic skills then there are more advanced lessons and information. You must be patient and do the work if you are serious about having a profitable online affiliate marketing business.
Thank you for the review on Wealthy Affiliate, it’s the best.
V. Pearl
So true. And often it is only after having rushed through the process that we come to realize how important the first basic and seemingly “mundane” steps were to future success. Instead of moving forward, we find ourselves going backward and having to redo what we should have done right in the first place.
As I go through the training in Wealthy Affiliate, I am appreciating the step by step methodical approach that is being presented. Each training session and task has an “immediate” purpose and a “future” purpose.
And yes, no matter how far along you get in the training, you can always go back for a refresher.
It sounds like Wealthy Affiliate give you the chance to work with the best of the best. For me, it begins with the ability to take Wealthy Affiliate for a free test-drive. And, the fact that you are proud to be a part of this company and help others become involved says a lot. It’s not often that someone tells you that you need to be prepared to work for your success. But, it’s convinced me that Wealthy Affiliate is everything you’ve said it is. I’m glad I found your site.
The diversity of talent involved in Wealthy Affiliate is quite impressive. Different perspectives, different ideas, different training styles. There is a little something in the training included to appeal to everyone’s learning style.
And yes, I would definitely encourage anyone looking to start a website, or to make money online to at least take Wealthy Affiliate up on their free offer and take the platform for a test drive.
The part that really got my attention, is that fact that I get to try out Wealthy Affiliate without having to pay anything. That is not something that I get to hear everyday.From my experience, I have always had to pay to even have a sneak peek into the business opportunity. I was ‘burned’ pretty bad with all these online scams. Now, I am very cautious of what to join or who to follow.
My concern is, ‘Does Wealthy Affiliate increase their price or have any further upsells once one is committed to their paid package?” and “Is Wealthy Affiliate fine for me if I have zero experience in making money online.?’
Looking forward to hearing from you.
And not only do you get to try it out for nothing, you don’t even get asked to provide your Credit Card information.
Wealthy Affiliate has a monthly membership rate, but if you sign up for a yearly membership you get substantial savings. Every once in a while they add a special like for this Black Friday sale, where you get a further discount on the yearly membership for this year, and from what I understand that special rate also applies to your first renewal.
Not only is this special available for new members, it looks like existing members can also take advantage of it.
Wealthy Affiliate provides way more than training. They also facilitate website registration and hosting at no extra cost (you do have to purchase your own domain like you would for any other hosting company). They offer tools for free (with options for an upgrade, though the basic is more than enough for anyone starting out). The platform is fully integrated with WordPress at no extra cost. To this point, I have not had to put out any extra money and I am moving along quite nicely on my website.
If you have no experience in making money online, I would suggest that Wealthy Affiliate should be your very first stop. The training starts at the beginning assuming that you “know nothing”. Apart from the step by step training, there are also several members who are dedicated to providing additional training that addresses specific issues you might encounter and keeping members up to date in the quickly evolving online world. On top of that, if you have questions, the entire community is at your disposal through a dedicated questions network.
I have to agree! I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate close to 3 years now, and it’s like you say, there is no shortcuts, but with faith and hard work, anyone can achieve what they set out to do!
I am the living proof. I started out pretty much like you going from one program to the next without ever accomplishing anything of value, until I found Wealthy Affiliate! Now I am proud to say that I receive a PayPal payment regularly!
The training, the hosting and above all, the community is what makes this platform outstanding!
Your review has pointed out pretty much everything that they have to offer, and it IS the best place for a beginner to start!
If you are starting out knowing nothing, there is no better place to start than Wealthy Affiliate. By the time you are done going through the first few levels of training, you will have a good understanding of what it takes to succeed. And, you will already be seeing some results of the work you have put in during the training.
I joined Wealthy Affiliate a couple of months ago and cant help but agree with what you have shared here with us,the platform is amazing to say the least. When i started off i did not know anything about online business,in a short time through the training, i have learnt how to build my own website from scratch and its all up and running. I would unreservedly recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn how to be a success in affiliate marketing and other online businesses in general.Keep spreading the word.
The training and tools are all there for anyone to be successful. The only missing ingredients are desire and hard work. All mixed together, produces a successful online venture in whatever direction someone wants to go.
Well done! This post covers everything about Wealthy Affliate. The more post like this I read, the more excited I am and also proud of myself for choosing wealthy affiliate. Persons reading this post will be fully informed of how this platform works. Success here takes dedication and hardwork. It’s no get rich quick scheme. I really think it’s awesome that you have an opportunity to build your online business, learn and at the same time there’s so much help available in the community.
Thanks for sharing!
Agreed, the genuine enthusiasm of Wealthy Affiliate members is contagious. You can often sense the “fabricated hype” of online programs but the hype surrounding Wealthy Affiliate is real and palpable. You learn so much in the training that it almost makes you feel like making money is a secondary benefit.
The Wealthy Affiliate Program is the best by far for anyone wanting to start a home business. I went through the program and I had to start from scratch. I was out of my wheelhouse at the beginning. But the support, webinars, and the training allowed me to work at my own pace. I endorse this review totally.
Thank you for sharing your experience. The wonderful thing is that whether you know a little (or think that you know a little) or you know nothing (or feel like you know nothing), the Wealthy Affiliate Program and Community is a great place to start for beginners of all levels and be able to advance at your own pace.